4-2016-00000244 | Dost Funded | DOST Trademark - Class 12 | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000242 | Dost Funded | DOST Trademark - Class 10 | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000241 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Jul. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000240 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Jul. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000239 | Dost Funded | DOST LOGO | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Feb. 3, 2017 | -- |
4-2016-00000238 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Jul. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000237 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Jul. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000236 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2018 | Dec. 8, 2016 | Jul. 11, 2016 |
4-2016-00000235 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Jul. 25, 2016 |
4-2016-00000234 | Dost Funded | SP Trademark - Class 1 | Department of Science and Technology | Department of Science and Technology | DOST RDI | Jan. 8, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 | Aug. 25, 2016 |
- This graph shows how many IP application was granted based on the selected IP type / Search results.
- This graph shows Total granted IP for Copyright .
- This graph shows Total granted IP for Utility Model .
- This graph shows Total granted IP for Industrial Design .
- This graph shows Total granted IP for PCT .
- This graph shows Total granted IP for Trademark .
- This graph shows Total granted IP for Invention .