All IP Type (3,598)

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O2018-1141 Dost Funded Antioxidant Activity, Phytochemical Screening, and Total Phenolic Content Determination of Enhalus acorides (Seagrass) Tea Philippine Science High School- Southern Mindanao Campus Delia C. Legaspino HIGH SCHOOL May. 18, 2018 Jun. 14, 2018 Oct. 25, 2018
O2018-1140 Dost Funded The Potential of Moringa oleifera (Drumstick Tree) Leaf Extract as Biostimulant in Germination of Annona muricata (Soursop) Seeds Philippine Science High School- Southern Mindanao Campus Delia C. Legaspino HIGH SCHOOL May. 18, 2018 Jun. 14, 2018 Oct. 22, 2018
O2018-818 Dost Funded Bioremediation of Copper (II), Iron (II), Zinc (II), Manganese (II), and Zinc (II) in agricultural soil using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 May. 15, 2018
O2018-817 Dost Funded Effects Of Vermicompost Produced From Npk-substrate Mix On The Plant Height Of Tomato Plants (Solanum Lycopersicum) Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Gaudencio M. Natividad, Christine Blessa R. Jabien, DANIELLE ANN B. ALEJANDRO, REYNALDO JAIME E. GONZALES HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 May. 15, 2018
O2018-815 Dost Funded ABSORPTION OF WATER HYACINTH (Eichhornia crassipes) FOR COPPER (II), IRON (III), MANGANESE (II) AND ZINC (II) Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus, Princess Khaela F. Barsana, Aika Fritz Y. Bejosano, Xavier Lance L. Tagubat, Maria Cristina C. Valeros HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 --
O2018-813 Dost Funded FRACTIONATION OF THE ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF BILIMBI (Averrhoa bilimbi) Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus, Gaudencio M. Natividad, Amizah Coleene B. Alog, Erica Ann C. Arellano, Marie Guia Stella S.p. Miguel Gaudencio M. Natividad, Amizah Coleene B. Alog, Erica Ann C. Arellano, Marie Guia Stella S.p. Miguel HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 May. 15, 2018
O2018-812 Dost Funded WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF PASIL AND BONTOC RIVERS USING DIATOMS Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus, Yollicez Marie M. Arriola, Precila C. Baclig, Beaverly S. Cuasi, Ma. Shaira Lei P. Daludado HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 Feb. 27, 2018
O2018-811 Dost Funded PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ANTIBACTERAL AND ANTIOXIDANT TESTING OF DUGTONG-AHAS (Parameria laevigata) LEAVES AND BARKS Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 --
O2018-806 Dost Funded ANTIBACTERIAL, ANTIOXIDANT, AND CYTOTOXIC PROPERTIES OF HIMBABAO (BROUSSONETIA LUZONICA) LEAF EXTRACT Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 May. 15, 2018
O2018-805 Dost Funded Two-way Anova Analysis Of The Compressive Strength Of Concrete Mixtures With Thermoplastics As Aggregrates Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus Philippine Science High School- Cagayan Valley Campus HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 5, 2018 May. 15, 2018 May. 15, 2018

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