O2016-2188 | Dost Assisted | Old Cellular Phone Models as an Alternative Bulb Switch | Carl Anthony Paul B. Dayag | Carl Anthony Paul B. Dayag | PRIVATE INVENTOR | Jun. 29, 2016 | Jul. 20, 2016 | -- |
3-2018-050079 | Dost Assisted | Laminated Seamless Bamboo Board | Segundino U. Foronda, Carl Norman A. Foronda | Segundino U. Foronda, Carl Norman A. Foronda | PRIVATE INVENTOR | Mar. 26, 2018 | Jun. 14, 2019 | Jun. 14, 2019 |
3-2018-050075 | Dost Assisted | Laminated Seamless Bamboo Overlay Board | Segundino U. Foronda, Carl Norman A. Foronda | Segundino U. Foronda, Carl Norman A. Foronda | PRIVATE INVENTOR | Mar. 26, 2018 | Aug. 14, 2019 | Aug. 14, 2019 |
3-2018-050077 | Dost Assisted | Laminated Seamless Bamboo Sandwiched Board | Segundino U. Foronda | Segundino U. Foronda | PRIVATE INVENTOR | Mar. 26, 2018 | Jun. 14, 2019 | Jun. 14, 2019 |
2-2016-000656 | Dost Assisted | Food Supplement Composition | Ruth O. Yanga | Dr. Cristino C. Enriquez, Ruth O. Yanga | PRIVATE INVENTOR | Aug. 31, 2016 | Sep. 21, 2016 | Sep. 21, 2016 |
2-2016-000493 | Dost Assisted | A Herbal Tea Composition with Cinnamon | Ruth O. Yanga | Ruth O. Yanga | PRIVATE INVENTOR | Jul. 27, 2016 | Sep. 23, 2016 | Sep. 23, 2016 |
2-2016-000287 | Dost Assisted | A Seasoning Mix with Powdered Green Mussel | Polytechnic University Of The Philippines (Pup) | Jeselle J. Kirit, Abigail P. Billedo, Annalissa E. Matias, Teodora R. Manalo | SUC | May. 17, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 |
2-2016-000286 | Dost Assisted | Seasoning Mix with Powdered Green Mussel | Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) | Abigail P. Billedo, Jeselle J. Kirit, Teodora R. Manalo, Annalissa E. Matias | SUC | May. 17, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 |
2-2016-000225 | Dost Assisted | Pasta Composition from Corn Kernel (Zea Mays Indenata) and Corn Silk ( Stigma Madis L.) | Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) | Mary Rose E. Digno, Claribelle O. Patal, Hazel Ann A. Incognito, Clara Nerissa S. Valerio | SUC | Apr. 26, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 |
2-2016-000222 | Dost Assisted | Process of Producing Pasta from Corn Kernel and Corn Silk | Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) | Mary Rose E. Digno, Claribelle O. Patal, Hazel Ann A. Incognito, Clara Nerissa S. Valerio | SUC | Apr. 26, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 | Aug. 15, 2016 |
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